Superman is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics. The character was created by...
Hurray! Santa Claus has given his reindeer to Baby Hazel for a few days. Let's join Hazel to help her in taking a good care...
Nothing is batter then riding a horse. Horse Horse Jumping Show 3D is a horse running games which require you to ride horse...
Hurray! Baby Hazel is celebrating her 3rd birthday. Let us join Hazel to enjoy dancing, feasting and magic shows at her...
Baby Hazel is very much excited as her school has announced a picnic to water park. She has to pack her picnic kitty with...
Ellie is going to take part in a big dating show recently. Today is the beginning of the show. Please put on some beautiful...
Welcome to the land of sweets, where anything is possible. Ice cream magic awaits you in this.The “my ice cream maker” will...
This is a very puzzle game,players should have enough patience,with their intelligence will be their pieces into...
Welcome to the Celebrity Signature Styles. Our favorite celebrities Selena Gomez, Taylor Swift, Rihanna, Ariana Grande, and...
Baby Panda House Cleaning is a very popular cleaning game. Baby Panda's dad is so upset because the house is in a mess. But...
Eliza opens a slime factory! Let's find out how to quickly and easily prepare a beautiful slime at home with the princess....
Foot Spa is specially made for pampering baby girl’s love for dressing like her style freak mom. Although it is meant for...
This is a simple yet fun drawing games for kids. Play the now and you'll soon be coloring lots of cute dinosaurs, having fun...
Wow, c'est tellement excitant. Il y aura une excellente soirée de sirène. Tout le monde devrait s'habiller avec une robe de...
Achive a better highscore with your unicorn running and jumping from one platform to another
It's time for Baby Hazel to show and share her creative skills. Today Baby Hazel is working on her craft assignment which...
Blocks Puzzle or also called 1010 is a simple HTML5 puzzle game. Drag blocks into grid board until board grid vertical or...
Newborn baby care is always fun, but it’s not at all easy. Our messy babies need a super nanny to feed them, bath them and...
Cartoon Puzzle game consisting of 12 different fun photos is waiting for you to join the pieces! Have fun!
These beauties are willing to decorate their sharing room with wonderful colors and furniture. Finally fix them with amazing...
Ever wanted to have a tattoo? Wondering about a sleeve made out of painted pictures on your body? Look no further! Your...
Cheerful morning of Baby Hazel starts with surprise gifts. While having shower, she is given interesting tasks to complete...
The two most beautiful angels are living in the sky They are having awesome lifestyle there Both are enjoying their everyday...
In the kingdom of Ice, all is calm, but the forces of evil are not asleep. Queen Eliza to fight with them. The real heroine...
Yuppie! It is time to go fishing! Today Baby Hazel's uncle is going to take our little angel for fishing. So she is very...